Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Peg's post

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

We had a lay-over in Belle Fourche, S. D.  It had been so cold, windy, gray and gloomy for so many days that I packed up all the summery clothes I had brought along and shipped them back home.  "Where never is heard a discouraging word and the skies are not cloudy all day"  was definitely not pinned by a cyclist riding across the country we had just travelled. Poor Russell had to listen to many "discouraging words" from me.  The part about where the antelopes roam is entirely correct, though.  It has been enjoyable to watch them graze nearby or gallop quickly away once they realize we're on the side of the road watching them.   The road from Forsythe, Montanta to Round Up was a hundred mile stretch of nothing but rolling hills and prairie.  A long way to go without water.  We stopped by a pre-fab bldg that had a water pump on the side and filled our water bottles, thinking we'd find a place to bushwhack, but ended up going 20-25 miles beyond time to quit for the night, so we were so glad we'd stopped to fill up.  Montana is certainly a state of variation.  One view will be bad-land type scenery and the next will be flat prairie with cattle grazing.  It's been an interesting week or two.  We are now camped by the beautiful Missouri River and plan to take the River Walk back to the old fort.  There's lots of history here.  We've had a ball stopping at all the historical points of interest and markers along the way.  We're both getting tougher as the days wear on.  The hills aren't so hard to climb any more, which will be a good thing considering we'll have a mountain pass to climb the first day we're back on the bikes.  We hope things are going well back home and thank everyone who's been there to help out in one capacity or another.  We've met a couple other cross-country bikers.  It's been interesting to compare their "take" on things with ours. We've been taking photos and will share once I get the hang of doing that :-)  !! (old dog - new tricks???)

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