Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Peg's Post (July 10, 2013)

We are celebrating with Jason & Jen tonight--lots of reasons, but mostly because he has not had a cigarette for one whole year :-)

Russell and I made it to Corvalis, Oregon, last Sunday. How we survived the 4th of July traffic on Hwy 101 along the Oregon coast is beyond me!!  The coast was as beautiful as everyone had told us it would be, but it wasn't as I had imagined at all.  I envisioned us riding along a flat highway along side the ocean with the waves rolling onto the beach and it being soooo warm that I'd jump into my swim suit and splash in the ocean between peddling.  Wrong!!!!  Highway 101 has some of the steepest climbs we've done so far.  We got to see the ocean but it was from mountain peaks looking down.

I now have my photos on a flash drive so I can share with all of our followers some of the spectacular (and maybe some not so spectacular) places and things we've been experiencing :-) We'll be heading back to Oregon and continuing the ride by Saturday.  We'll be heading east (and hoping that the prevailing westerly winds continue to be prevailing) through Oregon, Idaho, small portion of Wyoming, then Utah, Colorado and Kansas. Russell says we're still on schedule so with luck we'll be through the Rockies before the snow and cold set in.

A couple scary bridges we had to cross.  No shoulders.(Left is the bridge from Washington to Oregon. Bottom right is a bridge over the Columbia River on I-80. Bikes were allowed on the interstate, but it was a classic case of "why??????" Sure took our life in our hands crossing that one!)

A Nebraska Rest Stop :-)
"Hangin' out" with sisters at Chris & Ron's cabin near Cascade, MT.
Til later..................................

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